Sunday, January 14, 2007

Interpretation of the Personal Wedding Day and Your Future Marriage.

Interpretation of the Personal Wedding Day and Your Future Marriage

A number ONE wedding day is ruled by the Sun. This day will place importance on what your disposition was together as a couple, as well as individually, prior to the marriage. The courtship was unforgettable, and perhaps a bit longer than most, and how you and your beloved met is quite a romantic story. Much like the hand of Fate. Choosing a Number ONE wedding day indicates that you are a very affectionate and loving couple. It shows a maturity with the marriage, and an ability to work through disagreements and upsets in a respectful manner. This loving couple is seeking total oneness with each other.

There is a strong desire within both of you for the marriage to succeed, even if there have been past failures. You both have tested each other quite thoroughly before the engagement was announced. You know each other's likes and dislikes very well, and that has been important, but remember that from this day forward you need to allow for the inevitability of change.

Flexibility and Understanding is the Number ONE's Wedding Day Key to Success!

If you choose a Number TWO wedding day to be married, you will want either a very private or extremely public wedding. This is the number for eloping, and the Number TWO wedding day may need to be a marriage in secret. Your mother's advice will either be strongly accepted or rejected when making the wedding plans. There is no in-between. Emotional maturity of one of this couple may be lacking, but maturity is a valuable asset to the success of this union. Don't be surprised if everyone sheds a tear or two on this wedding day, for the ceremony will certanily have a sentimental quality.

The comforts of home will be stressed in a Number TWO marriage. You may have your apartment or home already set up, with one of you living in it, before the actual wedding. The number TWO wedding day is ruled by the Moon. which represents womanhood and secrets, and the desire for a family may be a strong reason for this marriage. Also, the desire for a mate who can love the children of a previous marriage, and be someone who can be an understanding step-parent to them, may be a motive for a Number TWO wedding day.

If a pregnancy or these previous children are the only reason for the marriage, you may wish to reconsider your decision to marry.

Be Safe and be Sure is the Number TWO's Wedding Day Key to Success!

If you weren't joking when you said you'd marry only for the money, then you might find a Number THREE day an excellent choice for boosting your financial security through the luck of this partnership. You both may be overly concerned with what family and friends are thinking of your union, and also that your wedding has to be the biggest and the best! If you two expect too much, than this day sould start off as a great big disappointment, with perhaps even a downpour of rain.

A Number THREE wedding day is ruled by Jupiter, so there may be many children born to this couple, as well as the possibility of multiple births, or extended family members living wth you part of the time.

Be frugel and be willing to expand your housing and thinking is the Number THREE's Wedding Day Key to Success.

If you both have been discussing and agreeing on all of the responsibilities of what marriage brings, and have carefully weighed the pros and cons of married life, perhaps you will choose a Number FOUR day to be married. The significance of a Number FOUR wedding date is faithfullnes until death do you part. This is a couple who can work together and accomplish goals that would otherwise seem impossible, such as running a business successfully together, or expanding housing, having multiple property units as real-estate holdings, a single bank account and every project is one of togetherness. Whatever it is, from buying a home to having your children, will be carefully timed and planned.

A touch of fate may have brought you and your beloved together. Somehow one partner fulfills the emotional needs of the other. Something thought missing in life is now found! A desire for security is another motivating factor with this marriage date. A Number FOUR wedding day creates a marriage where it will be very important to put down some roots, carry on the family name, and build a future. This is a Saturn ruled marriage and the couple will almost always choose to live near their parents or near the town where the bride grew up.

Oneness, watchfullness with money, an open heart and joy are the Number FOUR's Wedding Day Key to Success.

If you have chosen a Number FIVE as your wedding day, you may be putting the emphasis on how well you and your beloved communicate with each other. This will be an active marriage, and will need to fight monotony and boredom, so it will be wise to have some individual interests as well as ones shared. This is a marriage where each of you will need your space, your own workplace, and lots of alone time.

There will be quite a lot of traveling after this wedding, and each child born to the Number FIVE marriage may be born in a different location. The Number FIVE marriage is ruled by Mercury and signifies that possibly one mate will have to work to put the other one through college, law school or medical school. In retirement this couple will remain active, with an interest in young people, to maintain a healthy outlook.

Travel, change, surprises and devotion to children and grand-children are the Number FIVE's Wedding Day Key to Success.

The blessings of Venus with all of her Love and Devotion fall on the Number SIX wedding day. Love, affection, peace and happiness are the favors Venus may bestow. This does not mean that there is no challenge or that you are under some kind of magical charm. Responsibility, trust and caring are a must for maintaining this wonderful beginning. This couple will be willing to work hard and long hours together, with lots of time for discussion and planning things out, because the marriage will become the upmost of importance in both lives.

Every effort will be made to patch up any quarrels, and the Number SIX marriage, as a Venus ruled date, will be a good one for reconciliations. This also is a date of the couple's responsibility for an ailing parent in old age, as well as inheritance for maintaing one of the parent's home.

Keeping an idealistic viewpoint and nurturing the love between you is the Number SIX's Wedding Day Key to Success!

Watch out if you have chosen the Number SEVEN wedding date! Change, upsets, or a relocation of the reception hall may be in order. Though the Number SEVEN day represents upsets with plans, it may also represent being resuced at the very last minute. Rule by Uranus, the Number SEVEN wedding day can represent lost plane tickets, accidents, a gown that doesn't fit or the maid-of-honor showing up after the ceremony. Uranus also represents a fast and furious courtship, waking up in the morning and finding yourself married to a stranger, being stood-up at the alter, as well as this partnership being an unwise decision. If there is happiness and love with this union, then perhaps one of the parent's does not accept your intended as the proper mate, putting pressure and guilt on everyone.

This could be the wedding day of a mixed-race marriage, a catholic-protestant wedding, people of the same sex or people of completely different backgrounds tying the knot.

Freedom, flexibility, and sudden changes are the Number SEVEN's Wedding Day Key to Success.

Wow! Baby! When choosing the Number EIGHT for your wedding day, you want to be compatible in every way with your partner, and sex will be a very important aspect to this relationship. This is the couple who, one enchanted evening, exchanged glances to each other across that crowded room and knew right away that they were meant for each other. Then they spent the next several weeks in bed, woke up one day, went to the Justice of the Peace, and were married. They will tell you that they felt married before the second glance on the first night they met. Once locked, they are inseparable!

The Number EIGHT wedding day is ruled by MARS, and represents an excellent possibility for this couple to thrive in a business together as well as become a strong personal team. This may also be he marriage where one partner has to sacrifice for the other's career, with each partner admiring the courage of the other.

Meeting challenges, occupation first, financial success, and servititude are the Number EIGHT's Wedding Day Key to Success.

A Number NINE wedding day may indeed be one of secret. Another date of possible elopement, because the Number NINE wedding day is ruled by Neptune. The faith you were brough up in may be a very important factor to consider before this marriage takes place. This will be a very spiritual event, following all of the wedding rules of whatever faith is followed. One of this couple may practice medicine or perhaps, may be handicapped. There is an overshadow of the Divine with this union, whether the couple being married are aware of it or not.

This is a marriage where there was a struggle to come together either caused by distance or by the strong objections of both families. It could be a marriage of different religions, where both choose to follow their religion of childhood, and may take a lot of working out. Also, one part of the duo may be quite wealthy while the other barely makes it financially, or each may be separated by a great age difference. Whatever the reasons for the objections to this wedding, both partners will find strength and solace with each other as they become of one house and hearth. If sacrifices have to be made of this union, and they usually do, they will be made with great love and devotion.

Forever darling, loyalty, and an inner knowing of oneness are the Number NINE's Wedding Day Key to Success.

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