Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Advanced Numerology Part 2
2. The simple truth about mind through Advanced Numerology
Do you want to know the simple yet profound principle of how mind is created? The very same principle of Advanced Numerology is used to create balanced thinking. What is more vital to you than the mathematical principle of Advanced Numerology that creates your individual pattern of thoughts and feelings? What could give you more insight into yourself and others than the principle of Advanced Numerology that explains the complex pattern of mind using a simple yet profound application of mathematics?
Scientists such as Newton and Einstein have furthered our understanding of the mathematical formulas describing the physical laws that govern our world. The principle of Advanced Numerology explains how mind is created and balanced. Advanced Numerology is more significant to each of us as it directly influences every living person directly. Advanced Numerology explains the mathematical formula that creates your thinking pattern and measures your inner potential. This has a life-long impact on you.
Through this principle of Advanced Numerology, you can measure your inner potential through your date of birth, and measure your thinking pattern through your name. If these two aspects, the inner potential and the outer nature, are in harmony, our life is more fulfilled. If they are not in harmony, your life is bound to reflect this lack of balance in some manner. For example, an inspirational inner potential requires a balanced mind to give this creative inner power its proper expression. A practical inner nature requires a balanced mind for the same reason. By understanding this principle of Advanced Numerology, you understand the basic law that makes you who you are.
Advanced Numerology Part 1
1. The Difference between common Numerology and the Advanced
There are many varied concepts of numerology. Through years of continual research and observation, Alfred J. Parker, founder of the Kabalarian Philosophy, developed detailed and accurate methods of measuring personality traits. Many of the ideas present in current publications on numerology were introduced by Mr. Parker more than 70 years ago.
Numerology deals primarily with analyzing names and birthdates to reveal mental qualities, but lacks the basis of a spiritual principle. It fails to provide a clear explanation of the unfoldment of the higher human potential.
Much of the discord that people experience in their personal lives, such as poor health, breakdowns in personal and business relationships, or lack of success, is due to the influence of unbalanced names.
The Kabalarian Philosophy provides a unique understanding of balanced names, which contribute to the constructive and natural expression of the inner potential. We use the term "Mathematical Principle" rather than numerology due its broader application. This study teaches a complete universal principle of life, encompassing the physical laws of well being and the mental laws of balance and harmony, as well as spiritual laws which explain our purpose in life and the necessary steps to achieve our birthright, namely merging with the highest source of mental awareness, Universal Consiousness.
The practical benefits of a Balanced Name™ have been verified through many years of experience.
As the human species, we are the physical vehicle for mind, which is the channel through which Reason evolves to regain the state of Universal Consciousness and express the fulfilment of spiritual potential.
If you think the Kabalarian Philosophy is just numerology, you miss the full import of what the Kabalarian Philosophy offers you; the knowledge of how to live a full and complete life, using an understanding of mind and life to attain balance, harmony, and wisdom. Name is a power, and it is extremely important to understand the far-reaching effect a name and birth date have before proceeding with any changes.
Two forms o0f Numerology.
Though each is a different system, with distinct differences, they both are in agreement on certain things.
Pythagorean Chart
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Pythagorean System
Letters converted using nos. 1 to 9
Started about 600 BC
Sometimes called Modern Numerology
More popular because easier to use
Gives a more materialistic meaning
Uses full name given at birth
Conversion is done in sequence
Pythagoras a mathematician used it
All compound numbers reduce to single numbers.
Chaldean System
Letters converted using nos. 1 to 8
Sometimes called Mystic Numerology
Harder to use than Pythagorean system
Gives an occult or mystical meaning
Uses name most known as
Shows the behind unscene forces
Conversion is out of sequence
Unknown who originally taught it
Predates the Pythagorean system
Birthday affects personality and health tendencies given at birth
The Single and Compound number are both important.
People experience different internal responses to life's challenges. Some withdraw from difficult situations to think them through; others withdraw from their emotions, to try and keep themselves from feeling anything. Some explode with emotions, but allow the explosion to pass quickly. Others linger with their feelings, holding on to them well past the time they should have let them go.
Very often, these are conditioned or emotional responses that emerge without thought or analysis. Maturity and self-development help us to learn new and more effective methods of handling our world and the problems we confront. Your Balance number provides you with the guidance on how best to deal with difficult or threatening situations.
About your Balance Number:
Your Balance number can present you with the basic guidance on how best to deal with difficult, complicated, stressful or daunting circumstances. When under stress, the clues provided by your Balance number may help you to find a way to find peace of mind. Of course, we all experience different reactions to our personal challenges. Utilizing your inner strength and the guidance provided by this number could provide a course toward stabilization. Everyone will not benefit from the same tools, or techniques. Some people will find meditation calming, while others may need to "blow off steam" in the gym.
Although your personal Balance number represents your ability to remain relaxed and balanced it is not usually regarded as a major aspect in your life. Its power comes into your life when you "let things go" and feel "off kilter" or when you experience times of heavy stress, conflict, or turmoil. During these times, if you do not have an outlet for your worries/stress then you may find yourself struggling to achieve a sense of calm. Paying attention to the information that your balance number can provide (as well as your other numbers) may allow you to begin to stabilize yourself.
How to find it:
Your Balance number is found by adding the numerical value of the initials of your full name at birth. If you were born John Thomas Doe, then you would analyze the following letters: J, T, and D.
The number/letter chart below can be used for hand calculations:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
J = 1
T = 2
D = 4
1 + 2 + 4 = 7
John has a Balance number of 7. This means that John may enjoy time by himself, but he may need to find a way to better connect with his family and friends during times of stress as he may often try to solve all his difficulties alone or perhaps simply try to wait out his problems.
Your Balance Number is 1
Keywords: Sharing, Community, Friendship, Perspectives, Connections.
Helpful activities: Talking with others, Volunteering.
When your balance number is 1, you can benefit most by bringing others into your life to help support you. Connecting with others can be very rewarding. Often, your first response to a dilemma would be to solve it alone. However, friends and family members may be able to offer a unique perspective on your situation.
Your Balance Number is 2
Keywords: Calm, Focused, Diplomacy, Trust, Honesty, Stability.
Helpful activities: Listening, Meditating, Listening to Music.
When your balance number is 2, you can benefit most by learning to loosen up and keeping a cool head, adapt, share and trust others. Accepting the opinions and views of others can allow you to be seen as flexible, agreeable, diplomatic and easy going. At times your stubborn attitude may make you appear rigid, emotional and unyielding.
However, giving in to others does not mean that you have to be self-sacrificing. Be calm and remember the phrase: "Don't make a mountain out of a molehill". Also learn to balance persistence, tolerance, and dedication. As you develop diplomatic skills you can achieve your goals more easily. You will also be able to keep the peace within most situations. Many may look to you for support and strength when it seems like a situation will have no solution.
Your Balance Number is 3
Keywords: Fun, Humor, Wit, Sharing, Assistance, Optimism.
Helpful Activities: Laughter, Exercise, Talking.
When your balance number is 3 you can benefit most by leaning on others when it seems like your work load, or stress level, is too high. Do not be afraid to ask others for help. At times your tendency to become too emotionally involved to the answer you want, or desperately need, may cause you to overlook possibilities that may benefit the all parties involved or the community at large.
You may need to take some time and just have fun. It may be that you are letting the little things drag you down. Your good humor, charm, and optimism can inspire others to help you out of almost any situation that you find yourself in. Although you must be careful not to overly rely on the accomplishments of others.
Your Balance Number is 4
Keywords: Optimism, Structure, Stability, Dedication, Justice.
Helpful Activities: Yoga, Meditation, Games.
When your balance number is 4 you can benefit most by learning how to be less rigid and controlling. Early on, you may have learned that discipline and structure are important. However, you may at times forget that having fun can be important to your life as well. Try to develop a more optimistic and open minded attitude toward problems, especially those that have emotional undertones. Let others have a voice, and learn when to be more social and less demanding.
You can also benefit by finding ways to release your resentment or anger. You may have a finely honed sense of right and wrong, which can trigger your passion. At times you may want to quickly punish those who seem to do wrong, and reward those who seem to do right. Learn that the world is not black and white, and you can develop insight, leadership, impartiality and compassion.
Your Balance Number is 5
Keywords: Focus, Insight, Knowledge, Clarity, Simple, Practical.
Helpful Activities: Walking, Running, Rest, Relaxation.
When your balance number is 5, you can benefit most by learning how to be present, taking one day at a time, and breaking down your problems in manageable tasks. Asking others for help may be a good thing to do as well. Meditation, and support groups may help you to stay focused.
At times you may over-rely on food, alcohol, television, or drugs as a means of escape. Try to remain in the present. Find ways conscious and mindful ways to deal with your problems. You have a highly creative and intuitive mind. Some of your issues may be attributed to ignoring your abilities and being pulled into a dry, dull and listless life. Do not allow yourself to be painted into a corner. Do not allow yourself to be boxed in. Reach out, create, invent, and contribute to the world. You can be at your best when you are utilizing your creative and intuitive abilities.
Your Balance Number is 6
Keywords: Compassion, Friendship, Dedication, Love, Inspiration.
Helpful activities: Education, Relaxing, Doing something for yourself, Volunteering.
When your balance number is 6 you can benefit most by learning to trust your instincts. At times, you may overly rely on others for support. If you can learn to tap into your management skills then you can be successful in most situations. Others will come to you to solve difficult problems.
At times you may rather enjoy yourself than handle your obligations and responsibilities. Early on, friends and family members may help you out of difficult situations as your charm; general good nature and passion can inspire them. However they can eventually grow to resent the fact that they are doing your work, and fighting your battles for you, especially if they are constantly called upon for assistance.
Your Balance Number is 7
Keywords: Courage, Determination, Power, Victory, Leadership, Knowledge.
Helpful activities: Reading, Lectures, Strength training, Volunteering, Action.
When your balance number is 7, you can benefit most by learning how to be more active, demanding, present, courageous, and determined. Too often, you may retreat inward during times of stress. Instead learn that you are a capable person and that many of the tools you need are inside. Your unique perspectives can allow you to see problems in unique ways. Your ideas can help others to learn about the world in a whole new way.
Find methods to learn more about yourself and your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. Too often you may worry about the needs of friends/family while forgetting about your own. Learn to take action and deal with obstacles in your life. Although your life may seem unique, others have had experiences similar to your own. Allow them to help you. Conflict is not your enemy.
Your Balance Number is 8
Keywords: Leadership, Power, Control, Victory, Strength, Stamina, Inspire.
Helpful activities: Therapy, Exercise.
When your balance number is 8, you can benefit most by learning leadership and communication skills. You can have a natural leader like presence that draws others to you for guidance and decisions. At times you can be forceful and demanding. Because of your powerful nature you will also benefit by learning about honesty, power and responsibility as you may have considerable responsibilities.
If you are controlling and manipulative then you may end up in hot water at times. Best results in your life can be achieved by utilizing your inner strength, courage, stamina and creativity. Also, learn to let others have a voice.
Your Balance Number is 9
Keywords: Giving, Leading, Direct, Insight, Illuminate, Community, Guide.
Helpful activities: Meditation, Volunteering.
When your balance number is 9 you can benefit most by breaking away from your inner world and connecting with the people in your life. Remember the phrase: "It is better to give that receive." Because of your problem solving abilities others may be drawn to you. Offering practical advice can be a way to connect with others and it well help you to understand them. You have keen insights that can inspire and aid others. Your help can allow you to identify with the needs of the people in your life, which may be far different than your own. Sharing your gifts can help others to see you in a new light
Skeptical about numerology??
You do not need to believe in numerology to benefit from the knowledge. The interpretation of the numbers is founded upon the natural laws and the structure of the universe. The principles
work outside of your belief system.
I have recently become aware of a research study into the idea that gravity does not exist. The explanation is much more detailed than is necessary for this article, but the thesis is that the traditional concept of gravity as we understand it is not the true explanation.
All I need to know is that when I am holding an object and I let go of it, that object is going to fall to the ground. There are of course, kinesiologists who would argue that with the force of mind and will we could cause that object to rise instead of to fall.
Notwithstanding the possible exception of an outside mind force working upon the object, that object is going to fall no matter how much I (or anyone else) tries to debunk the law of gravity.
Numerology, along with the other metaphysical sciences, is soundly based upon the natural order of the universe. Your belief is not required. The universe goes about its business totally ignoring what we think of it. As a result, we are left with two choices. We can consciously ignore the cycles or we can make a determined study to understand them.
Ignoring these natural cycles leaves us in the position of being constantly surprised and unprepared for what happens. Learning the cycles gives us the ability to plan for coming events.
I dare say that even the most skeptical person has a calendar and a clock. Each of these devices measures a natural cycle. The calendar tells us the season. When it is winter, we expect cold weather and dress accordingly. Without a knowledge of the seasons we could arise each morning and try to predict how to dress. Or you might plan a skiing trip in July "believing" that there will be appropriate snow. Some events are planned far in advance.
With the calendar, we can know that furs and velvets for a June wedding in the northern hemisphere would be inappropriate. Without the knowledge of the seasons, planning a June wedding during a cold January, we might assume that in June we would still need to be concerned about proper heating and warm clothing. Our own experience tells us that the calendar is a reliable guide for planning.
With the clock we can plan for the light or darkness of the hour. If it is 2:00 PM (1400 hours) we can calculate how long the light will hold for whatever project is in the works. We can be better assured that we will be at the right place at the right time with a clock.
Relying solely upon intuition to know the time, you may coordinate with someone else or you may be hours apart for your planned meeting. We regulate our lives by the calendar and the clock.
Numerology deals primarily with additional cycles that surround us. Just like the seasons and the hours, these cycles are set. We can be assured that the general nature of the times will be as expected from the numbers. Those who dismiss numerology because an occasional day does not seem to fit them are like those who would throw away the calendar because a particular day in January was unseasonably warm. The broad trends are always reliable.
A numerology delineation will tell you how you fit into the scheme of the universe. With numerology, your designated life purpose and the tools that you possess to fulfill that purpose are clearly defined. The major roadblocks and the knowledge to overcome them are also clear. In your planning you may determine to really get down to business and to avoid procrastination for the coming year. Is that a good plan? Not if you are entering a 2 personal year.
Or you may decide to take a year off to lay back and go with the flow. Not a good plan for an 8 year. Take your sabbatical in the 2 year and really push in the 8 year. The reverse is like wearing a heavy coat in the summer and going shirtless in the winter. You already follow the numbers, whether or not you know it. Intuitively you know the path from your past experience. Doesn't it make sense to know where you are on that path?
Numerology and its influence on your life
A great spiritual awakening is taking place world-wide as thinking members of the human race begin to search anew for the purpose of life interest in crystals, crop circles and ley lines, together with studies of ancient civilisations and races, all serve to expand our awareness. Yet the greatest mystery we will ever encounter is the mystery of self.
Who am I? Why am I here? Does life indeed have a purpose? If so, how do I discover what this is? The answer to these and similar questions has bug intrigued members of the human race and the answer, in part at least, can be obtained from a close study of the numeric patterns which form our date of birth.
In returning to matter for yet another attempt to master self and the many illusions which this Plane of Matter holds for us, we all carry with us a blue-print which, when correctly understood, will provide each in turn with an insight into self, our personal weaknesses and strengths. This blueprint is to be found within the date of our birth and the names that we bear.
Numbers are simply a means of identifying those energies or forces which play a major role in our lives. All forms of energy have a positive and negative pole. We tend to look upon positive forces or responses) as masculine and negative (or adaptable) reactions as feminine. Human nature being what it is we invariably take the line of least resistance when faced with any form of challenge or difficulty, and follow the negative (or feminine) response.
The numerical energy which presents the greatest challenge (or opportunity) in our daily lives is that found within the Day of Birth. This is known as the Governing Factor for its energy will govern all thought and action throughout the life. Let me briefly identify the lesson under each number.
Anyone born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th can be classed as a One person. These individuals need to learn to take the lead in a positive manner on their journey through life, while avoiding excessive use of the will in order to subdue those subject to their authority. As the major goal under this vibration is independence, they must take care not to become dependent upon others. however, some among their number fail with this lesson by shying away from responsibility, even to the point of becoming a recluse.
Those who are born on the 2nd or the 20th incarnate in a bid to learn how they may subjugate the emotions and adapt to the rapidly changing patterns of daily life. But strong willed and domineering individuals will dog their footsteps, demanding that the Two person do their bidding. As these individuals are subject to the influence of the Moon, they tend to be changeable, moody and extremely emotional. Such experiences are often necessary due to the fact that in an earlier life-time, they tended to dominate others and this lesson has been selected in a bid to make amends for earlier actions. (Grossly unfair you may feel, considering that they lack awareness of the purpose of such events). But there is nothing unjust or accidental in the Greater Plan for Life. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel! The Moon which influences this vibration, serves to stimulate the mediumistic aspect of our dual natures and provided that a Two person endeavours to develop and act upon their intuitive ability, they will then be shown the best method whereby they may resolve any given situation.
The Three vibration presents a golden opportunity for expansion and growth, and those born on the 3rd 12th, 21st and 30th should seize this with both hands. Wherever possible they should endeavour to express themselves in creative undertakings, taking care to perfect one skill at a time. Unfortunately many among their number become a jack-of-all-trades - and master of none! Social events have a strong attraction for the Three person, for they tend to be popular. As a result they often defer important decisions until tomorrow which never comes!
The willpower will be well to the fore in those born on the 4th, 13th and 31st (but not those born on the 22nd!) and the correct use of this powerful force is their major lesson in life. Four people can prove to be forceful characters, who may attempt to dominate others, and learn to their cost that such actions bring unhappiness and loneliness in their wake. On the positive side, they are usually hard workers, particularly if they have a goal in mind They do need to beware the tendency to become workaholics, for this can lead to serious health problems.
For those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd, control of thought and its child - speech is essential. Uncontrolled thought - particularly that of a destructive nature - can easily lead to all manner of sickness. Gregarious individuals, Five people possess the ability to become stimulating teachers or linguists - natural communicators who love to hold the centre stage in life.
Six people - those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th must be alert for the many pitfalls that lie ahead of them on the emotional level, developing the ability to rise above the carnal nature and love others without expectation of re-turn. Most, of course, will experience a measure of difficulty with this, for they will have an over-whelming need to be loved. Equally they need to learn to accept the many responsibilities which will arise within their relationships.
Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th tend to be extremely sensitive individuals who possess a powerful mediumistic ability. They may fear this aspect of their nature and retreat to isolated ar-eas in a hid to avoid the responsibility such qualities bring with them. Seven people should, however, bear in mind the fact that their life's purpose lies in developing and sharing that special talent with those who are lost, confused or simply in need of direction.
Those who are born on the 8th, 17th or the 26th have chosen a particularly difficult pathway through life. From birth to death they will be subject to constant restraint or restriction. Those among their number who do not learn that all such situations reflect a Greater Will and are prepared to accept them as such, may well become extremely bitter and resentful. Unfortunately such responses, in the long term may well lead to the development of painful arthritic problems. Saturn - the great Initiator or Tester rules this vibration, and those who are prepared to accept his disciplines as and when they arise (seeing these for what they are, yet another necessary restriction to personal desires) may, in their acceptance of such challenges, overcome them with ease, while the unwilling battle on. The number 8 serves to identify two pathways through life, and those who are subject to its influence must choose which they prefer. As Saturn also governs monetary energies, an Eight person may well decide to pursue this and its attendant power with great gusto. Yet upon this vibration the "inner way also beckons quite strongly. and where they elect to follow tins rather than the illusionary path of wealth and power, then they may progress toward becoming a disciplined soul once more, illustrating by their actions, the Way of Acceptance.
A choice exists for those born on the 9th, 18th or the 27th. Either a full and satisfying life devoted to selfless service to humanity, or one of selfish self-indulgence. The choice, therefore, is between growth or stagnation. Where the former is selected, the Nine per-son should take care not to over-extend the self in good works (for this vibration is governed by Mars). Above all, this vibration offers the opportunity to complete a task commenced long ago during an earlier incarnation - which is best achieved through assisting those who are in need.
An Eleven person is extremely idealistic and very, very sensitive. They are also the dreamers of this world and spend a deal of time retreating from life and those who attack them for their impracticality. If they can but learn to develop a down-to-earth and practical approach to their goals in life, then the world will embrace them and their ideals wholeheartedly.
Finally, those born on the 22nd have a difficult path to tread for they will he surrounded by those who will demand their constant attention, endeavouring to deflect the Twenty-two person from their preferred pathway. At heart these people are great humanitarians. Nonetheless many among their number achieve little in life due to their tendency to sit on the fence, avoiding all difficult decisions. Many Twenty-twos are often caught up in situations fashioned from the selfish desires of those who surround them. As a result, the vast majority fail to develop their latent potentials and spend their life wishing that things could have been better but nonetheless remaining reluctant to act. They do however possess a natural flair for leadership, and this capacity, when developed and coupled with a very practical approach to idealistic undertakings or suggestions, will soon cause others to gather around them, ready to assist in a joint venture designed to resolve an aspect of human need.
A further study of the science of numbers will provide all open-minded individuals with a wonderful self-help technique, one which clearly identifies just why we tend to behave in an irrational manner at times. Armed with such knowledge, we may then reverse our responses - and attain our life's goal or destiny!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Seal of Solomon
In Medieval Jewish, Islamic and Christian legends, the Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring said to have been possessed by King Solomon, which variously gave him the power to command demons (or jinni), or to speak with animals. In one of the Arabian Nights', an evil djinn is described as being imprisoned in a copper bottle for 1,800 years by a lead seal stamped by the ring. Other, later books (Pseudomonarchia Daemonum) manage to fit far more demons in the bottle.
In some versions of the story, the ring was made of brass and iron, carved with the Name of God, and set with four jewels. In later versions the ring simply bore the symbol now called the Star of David (hexagram), often within a circle, usually with the two triangles interlaced (hence chiral) rather than intersecting. Often the gaps are filled with dots or other symbols. Other versions have it as a pentagram or other more complicated figures. Works on demonology typically depict the pattern of the seal as being two concentric circles, with a number of mystical sigils between the inner and outer circles, and various more-or-less complex geometric shapes within the inner circle.
In one Arabic story it is claimed that the demon Sakhr deceived one of Solomon's wives into giving him the ring. Sakhr then ruled in his stead for forty days (or years, in some versions) while Solomon wandered the country in poverty. However eventually Sakhr threw the ring into the sea, where it was swallowed by a fish, caught by a fisherman, and served to Solomon. As punishment Sakhr was made to build a great mosque for Solomon.
However the earliest of such stories is dated to more than a thousand years after the time of Solomon, and the story of the fish, in particular, bears a strong resemblance to Herodotus' tale of Polycrates.
A new theory about what was actually the Seal of Solomon is to be found in the French book "Le Sceau de Salomon, secret perdu de la Bible" (The Seal of Solomon, lost key of the Bible) by Janik Pilet. According to him, it was a source for holy inspiration used by several authors of the Old and New Testaments, and its drawing is described in the first text in the Holy Bible i.e. the creation in six days.
The SEAL OF SOLOMON as a pattern.
Seven Pointed Seal of Solomon
It represents:
Sun --numbers 1-4-- represents combination of sun and uranus
Moon--numbers 2-7-- represents combination of moonn and neptune
Jupiter- number 3
Mercury- number 5
Venus-number 6
Saturn- number 8
Mars-number 9
Reference: Cheiro's book of numbers.
Your phone number
When analyzing your telephone number, use only the last 4 digits - this is the only part of your phone number that is unique to you and/or your family. Add the four numbers together until you reach a number between 1 and 9 (i.e., if the numbers are 6423, add 6+4+2+3=15=6). Then find the corresponding number below.
1 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 1. This is a strong, masculine number that tends to enhance your personal power and helps you influence others. Be careful not to be too bullish, but otherwise, a great number for business and career. Not a good number for singles in search of a partner. Lacks sensitivity and awareness.
2 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 2. Romantic, good for singles seeking a partner. Sensitive, diplomatic, and tactful, this number inspires cooperation. A good number for any service oriented business. Not good for strong, opinionated people or sales oriented businesses.
3 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 3. Creative and playful, this is a good number for artists, musicians, and young people. Lacks focus and direction, yet inspiring, motivating, and original. A â€Å“popular†number that tends to attract others. Particularly good for authors and song writers. Not good for ambitious and goal-oriented people.
4 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 4. Stable, grounded, dependable and reliable, this number works particularly well for banks, accounting firms, law firms, and similar businesses that thrive on trust and solid reputations. Also good for large families. Not so good for individuals (unless they are accountants or bankers).
5 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 5. Adventure and change, this number is anything but stable. Expect the unexpected. Good for sales pitches. Also good for unconventional individuals and freedom loving travelers. Not so good for families. Lacks discipline and responsibility. Not good for people with eating disorders or dependencies of any kind.
6 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 6. This is the best possible number for families. Warm, caring, and protective. Strengthens family bonds and friendships. But also inspires gossip. Good for business. Not so good for singles who would rather not be single.
7 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 7. Strong and spiritual, this number is ideal for scholars and free thinkers. Also improves mental health and stability. Not a good number for business.
8 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 8. Best possible number for any business, this number tends to attract money and loyalty. Also good for ambitious and motivated individuals. Improves career and finances. Practical and materialistic, this can be a less desirable number for individuals seeking spiritual growth.
9 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 9. Idealism and compassion are the main ingredients of the 9. Great for service or health oriented businesses as well as non-profit groups. The â€Å“luckiest†of all numbers, the nine sometimes brings financial windfalls when you least expect it. Not good for people with health problems or those who desire material wealth.
Numerology and the Secrets of Your Name
Have a pencil and paper handy? Great! Start by writing out your full birth name (first, middle, and last). Now assign numbers to each letter using the chart as a guide. (Note: This chart is read downwards so that 1 is A, J, S; 2 is B, K, T; etc.) Later you can analyze other variations of your name (nicknames, married names) but for now let's just stick with your birth name.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V W X Y Z -
Sound confusing? It really isn't. Just take a look at the following example and you'll get the idea.
In this example, we will use Henry Quincy Mathers as the birth name. What's more, we'll say that old Henry was born on November 11, 1922. Or 11/11/22, the way it is usually written. (By the way, "11" and "22" are generally considered master numbers in numerology. So Harry's an interesting character, judging by his day of birth alone!)
Okay, now let's assign numerical values to Henry's full name at birth.
H e n r y = 8, 5, 5, 9, 7
Q u i n c y = 8, 3, 9, 5, 3, 7
M a t h e r s = 4, 1, 2, 8, 5, 9, 1
Now adding these numbers together we have:
H e n r y = 34 (or 7)
Note: In numerology, 34 becomes 3+4. Most two-digit numbers get "broken down"
in the same fashion. The only exceptions are the "master numbers" (11 and 22).
When a master number appears in the final total, it can be read two ways
(11/2 or 22/4). So if a master number appears in your first, middle, or last name,
this is something you might wish to jot down and check out later. But for now "break
down" all two-digit numbers, the way you would the "34" above.
Q u i n c y = 35 (or 8)
M a t h e r s = 30 (or 3)
You can then add all these numbers together in one of two ways. (Try each method and you will see that you arrive at the same final number.)
34 + 35 + 30 = 99. The 99 is then "reduced" to 9 + 9 = 18. And this 18, is further "broken down" to 1 + 8 = 9.
or simply add 7 + 8 + 3 = 18, which then becomes 1 + 8 = 9.
As you can see from the above calculations, Henry's birth name reduces to a 9. In numerology this particular combination of first, middle, and last name provides the "Destiny Number."
Okay, you have your Destiny Number. Now what does it mean?
On the chart below is a quick interpretation of the numbers 1 through 9 and the two master numbers (11 and 22). You should be aware that some numerologists attach special significance to other two-digit numbers. However, they are not universally recognized in numerology circles.
The Numbers Revealed!
1 is ambitious, independent, and self-sufficient.
2 is supportive, diplomatic, and analytical.
3 is enthusiastic, optimistic, and fun-loving.
4 is practical, traditional, and serious.
5 is adventurous, mercurial, and sensual.
6 is responsible, careful, and domestic.
7 is spiritual, eccentric, and a bit of a loner.
8 is money-oriented, decisive, and stern.
9 is multi-talented, compassionate, and global.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Interpretation of the Personal Wedding Day and Your Future Marriage.
A number ONE wedding day is ruled by the Sun. This day will place importance on what your disposition was together as a couple, as well as individually, prior to the marriage. The courtship was unforgettable, and perhaps a bit longer than most, and how you and your beloved met is quite a romantic story. Much like the hand of Fate. Choosing a Number ONE wedding day indicates that you are a very affectionate and loving couple. It shows a maturity with the marriage, and an ability to work through disagreements and upsets in a respectful manner. This loving couple is seeking total oneness with each other.
There is a strong desire within both of you for the marriage to succeed, even if there have been past failures. You both have tested each other quite thoroughly before the engagement was announced. You know each other's likes and dislikes very well, and that has been important, but remember that from this day forward you need to allow for the inevitability of change.
Flexibility and Understanding is the Number ONE's Wedding Day Key to Success!
If you choose a Number TWO wedding day to be married, you will want either a very private or extremely public wedding. This is the number for eloping, and the Number TWO wedding day may need to be a marriage in secret. Your mother's advice will either be strongly accepted or rejected when making the wedding plans. There is no in-between. Emotional maturity of one of this couple may be lacking, but maturity is a valuable asset to the success of this union. Don't be surprised if everyone sheds a tear or two on this wedding day, for the ceremony will certanily have a sentimental quality.
The comforts of home will be stressed in a Number TWO marriage. You may have your apartment or home already set up, with one of you living in it, before the actual wedding. The number TWO wedding day is ruled by the Moon. which represents womanhood and secrets, and the desire for a family may be a strong reason for this marriage. Also, the desire for a mate who can love the children of a previous marriage, and be someone who can be an understanding step-parent to them, may be a motive for a Number TWO wedding day.
If a pregnancy or these previous children are the only reason for the marriage, you may wish to reconsider your decision to marry.
Be Safe and be Sure is the Number TWO's Wedding Day Key to Success!
If you weren't joking when you said you'd marry only for the money, then you might find a Number THREE day an excellent choice for boosting your financial security through the luck of this partnership. You both may be overly concerned with what family and friends are thinking of your union, and also that your wedding has to be the biggest and the best! If you two expect too much, than this day sould start off as a great big disappointment, with perhaps even a downpour of rain.
A Number THREE wedding day is ruled by Jupiter, so there may be many children born to this couple, as well as the possibility of multiple births, or extended family members living wth you part of the time.
Be frugel and be willing to expand your housing and thinking is the Number THREE's Wedding Day Key to Success.
If you both have been discussing and agreeing on all of the responsibilities of what marriage brings, and have carefully weighed the pros and cons of married life, perhaps you will choose a Number FOUR day to be married. The significance of a Number FOUR wedding date is faithfullnes until death do you part. This is a couple who can work together and accomplish goals that would otherwise seem impossible, such as running a business successfully together, or expanding housing, having multiple property units as real-estate holdings, a single bank account and every project is one of togetherness. Whatever it is, from buying a home to having your children, will be carefully timed and planned.
A touch of fate may have brought you and your beloved together. Somehow one partner fulfills the emotional needs of the other. Something thought missing in life is now found! A desire for security is another motivating factor with this marriage date. A Number FOUR wedding day creates a marriage where it will be very important to put down some roots, carry on the family name, and build a future. This is a Saturn ruled marriage and the couple will almost always choose to live near their parents or near the town where the bride grew up.
Oneness, watchfullness with money, an open heart and joy are the Number FOUR's Wedding Day Key to Success.
If you have chosen a Number FIVE as your wedding day, you may be putting the emphasis on how well you and your beloved communicate with each other. This will be an active marriage, and will need to fight monotony and boredom, so it will be wise to have some individual interests as well as ones shared. This is a marriage where each of you will need your space, your own workplace, and lots of alone time.
There will be quite a lot of traveling after this wedding, and each child born to the Number FIVE marriage may be born in a different location. The Number FIVE marriage is ruled by Mercury and signifies that possibly one mate will have to work to put the other one through college, law school or medical school. In retirement this couple will remain active, with an interest in young people, to maintain a healthy outlook.
Travel, change, surprises and devotion to children and grand-children are the Number FIVE's Wedding Day Key to Success.
The blessings of Venus with all of her Love and Devotion fall on the Number SIX wedding day. Love, affection, peace and happiness are the favors Venus may bestow. This does not mean that there is no challenge or that you are under some kind of magical charm. Responsibility, trust and caring are a must for maintaining this wonderful beginning. This couple will be willing to work hard and long hours together, with lots of time for discussion and planning things out, because the marriage will become the upmost of importance in both lives.
Every effort will be made to patch up any quarrels, and the Number SIX marriage, as a Venus ruled date, will be a good one for reconciliations. This also is a date of the couple's responsibility for an ailing parent in old age, as well as inheritance for maintaing one of the parent's home.
Keeping an idealistic viewpoint and nurturing the love between you is the Number SIX's Wedding Day Key to Success!
Watch out if you have chosen the Number SEVEN wedding date! Change, upsets, or a relocation of the reception hall may be in order. Though the Number SEVEN day represents upsets with plans, it may also represent being resuced at the very last minute. Rule by Uranus, the Number SEVEN wedding day can represent lost plane tickets, accidents, a gown that doesn't fit or the maid-of-honor showing up after the ceremony. Uranus also represents a fast and furious courtship, waking up in the morning and finding yourself married to a stranger, being stood-up at the alter, as well as this partnership being an unwise decision. If there is happiness and love with this union, then perhaps one of the parent's does not accept your intended as the proper mate, putting pressure and guilt on everyone.
This could be the wedding day of a mixed-race marriage, a catholic-protestant wedding, people of the same sex or people of completely different backgrounds tying the knot.
Freedom, flexibility, and sudden changes are the Number SEVEN's Wedding Day Key to Success.
Wow! Baby! When choosing the Number EIGHT for your wedding day, you want to be compatible in every way with your partner, and sex will be a very important aspect to this relationship. This is the couple who, one enchanted evening, exchanged glances to each other across that crowded room and knew right away that they were meant for each other. Then they spent the next several weeks in bed, woke up one day, went to the Justice of the Peace, and were married. They will tell you that they felt married before the second glance on the first night they met. Once locked, they are inseparable!
The Number EIGHT wedding day is ruled by MARS, and represents an excellent possibility for this couple to thrive in a business together as well as become a strong personal team. This may also be he marriage where one partner has to sacrifice for the other's career, with each partner admiring the courage of the other.
Meeting challenges, occupation first, financial success, and servititude are the Number EIGHT's Wedding Day Key to Success.
A Number NINE wedding day may indeed be one of secret. Another date of possible elopement, because the Number NINE wedding day is ruled by Neptune. The faith you were brough up in may be a very important factor to consider before this marriage takes place. This will be a very spiritual event, following all of the wedding rules of whatever faith is followed. One of this couple may practice medicine or perhaps, may be handicapped. There is an overshadow of the Divine with this union, whether the couple being married are aware of it or not.
This is a marriage where there was a struggle to come together either caused by distance or by the strong objections of both families. It could be a marriage of different religions, where both choose to follow their religion of childhood, and may take a lot of working out. Also, one part of the duo may be quite wealthy while the other barely makes it financially, or each may be separated by a great age difference. Whatever the reasons for the objections to this wedding, both partners will find strength and solace with each other as they become of one house and hearth. If sacrifices have to be made of this union, and they usually do, they will be made with great love and devotion.
Forever darling, loyalty, and an inner knowing of oneness are the Number NINE's Wedding Day Key to Success.
Wedding Numerology
So, one of the most important decisions regarding your wedding is the day and hour chosen to be married. Are you in it for love? Is your partner your soul-mate? We often can find our motives for marriage hidden carefully within our definition of LOVE. Let's see what the ancients tell us about the subjet of wedded bliss.
The date chosen for the wedding may determine the course your life together - as a couple - will take. The number of that day provides a key to the reasons we marry, and will open a doorway to help us understand how to obtain the happiness we seek as we begin to share our life, in every possible way, with our beloved.
To determine the Numerology Number of your Wedding Day,
Simply add the month, day, and year you will be, or have already been, married.
Married: June 12, 1999 = 6 + 3 + 1 continue to reduce
9 + 1 = 10 Your Marriage Vibration Number
Wedding Numerology can supply the clues to what the special meaning of your wedding day holds for you, your partner, and your future together.
How numerology works
It all starts with your name and birth date. They are the data base from which a numerologist is able to describe you, sight unseen. Number values are assigned to the letters in your name. By adding these--with the numbers in your birth date--in a multitude of combinations, a numerologist establishes your key numbers. He then interprets the meaning of these key numbers, which results in a complete description of your personal characteristics.
Master numbers
These numbers are called Master numbers because they possess more potential than other numbers. Usually the personality of a master number is problematic in some way, as their behavior can be erratic, withdrawn, highly charged and difficult. This is the evidence of the higher self trying to propel the personality onto a higher path.
As the life purpose of a master number is to transcend the karma of past lives they often lead more difficult lives than most people do. The purpose of these challenges is to clear their slate so they can achieve yet one more level on the path to enlightenment.
The number 11 represents a deeply intuitive individual. It is indicative of creativity, a clear connection with the subconscious and psychic powers. A dreamy nature, nervous energy, shyness and impracticality often characterize a name that reduces to 11.
11's are often blessed with imagination and charisma. These potential leaders often collapse beneath the weight of their dual natures. One side strives for accomplishment and the other side strives to be moral at all costs. 11's are often the catalyst for inspiration in other people's lives and often don't receive credit for their works.
A person who is an 11 is always teetering on the fine edge between great accomplishments and self-destruction. The duality of their nature makes them more prone to addiction and phobias than other numbers. The key lesson that number 11s need to learn is to have faith, as opposed to analyzing all the time.
The number 22 is the most powerful of all of the personal numbers and is often referred to as the Master Builder. 22's have an incredible knack for manifesting dreams into reality by following through on practical actions. 22 posses the inspiration of 11 personalities combined with discipline and faith. People whose numbers and birth dates reduce down to 22 often achieve renown and glory during their lifetime.
The number 33 is called the Master Teacher Number. A combination of 11 and 22, these individuals has transcended their own desires and usually devote their lives to the spiritual enlightenment of mankind. These unique individuals are often characterized by their sincere devotion to humanity. 33 individuals are extremely rare.
The Master numbers 11, 22, and 33 represent the Triangle of Enlightenment with the number 11 representing vision, the number 22 representing action and the number 33 representing fulfillment of Divine Law.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The Basics of Numerology.
Modern science searches for these answers as well as the revealed texts and ancestral myths found around the world. Somehow, a bridge that embraces the globe must be constructed to utilize technology as well as returning to the wisdom traditions to find these answers. The ancient studies of numerology/astrology, spanning centuries, offer answers. Numerology/astrology, clearly state that we each have a purpose and a destiny. We are one within this rhythm of time and spirals. Yet, each person must look into the mirror and prepare for the journey into the sea of self for truths.
Where is the knowledge that is lost in information? Where is the wisdom that is lost in knowledge?
- T.S. Eliot
There are five pieces of information that hold tremendous insights in numerology. The birth date and the birth name hold a very rich story. The birth date is what you have come to learn and you will draw people, places and situations into your life to learn this lesson. I call this information from the birth date, the Life Path. A business or an idea also has a birth date and a Life Path.
In numerology numbers are reduced to a single digit. This is done by addition. There are master numbers in numerology, which are addressed differently. The master numbers are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99. I reduced master numbers to a single digit, for you are certainly not going to be able to work with the master number if you do not understand the single number. I will address master numbers at a later time.
The following are examples of the birth date reduced to the single digit to find the Life Path.
May 30, 1962 (1962=1+9+6+2 = 18, 1+8=9)
5 + 3 + 9 = 17, 1+7=8
November 27, 1957 (1+9+5+7 = 22, 2+2=4)
11 (1+1)2 +(2+7) 9 + 22 (2+2)4 = 15,1+5=6
Eleven and Twenty-two are master numbers. Even though you will only add the single digit I leave them in the birth date so that you are aware of their energies being a part of the chart.
February 15,1959 (1+9+5+9 =24, 2+4 = 6)
2+ (1+5) 6 + 6 = 14,1+4=5
The Life Path also tells you about phases in your life. The numbers in the three phases directly influence the Life Path number. The first phase is found by using the month number. Example: January is 1, December 12, 1+2= 3. The formative years span into young adulthood. The second phase is the day number in the birth date. Example: 3. 1+0=1, 14 1+4 =5. This is a time when we find a job, career, and have families. It is a time of expansion and opportunities. The third phase is found in the year of the birth date. Example: 1954 1+9+5+4 = 19, 1+9 =1+0=1. This third phase in life is when there is time to integrate what you have learned. It can be a time for retirement or a time of bustling activity.
Example: July 27, 1967
Phase One 7
Phase Two 2+7 = 9
Phase Three 1+9+6+7 = 23, 2+3 = 5
On the day you were born, a record of what you would be like was outlined by numbers and astrology. These charts are filled with potential, your potential. We each will transverse the passages of time. Wouldn't it be a marvelous opportunity to know how to find guidance and direction for us as well as for our children? What are we supposed to do?
As one goes further and further on the path of truth, the freedom becomes greater at every step. - Hazrat Inayat Khan
Types of Numerology.
The three major forms of numerology in use today are the Kabbalah, the Chaldean and the Pythagorean. I use aspects of all three when I prepare and interpret charts.
Kabbalah (Hebrew Alphabet)
The Kabbalah ( which means knowledge that comes through the mind and soul rather than through a flesh and blood teacher) originated in Hebrew mysticism, and interprets only the meaning of the name. The Kabbalah was developed for the Hebrew alphabet, and therefore has only 22 vibrations ranging from 1 to 400. It was adapted for the Greek alphabet, then further adapted for the Roman alphabet.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chaldean numerology was originally developed in Ancient Babylon (now Iraq), and combines Kabbalistic name interpretation with aspects of astrology. The 9 is considered holy and therefore is kept apart from other vibrations, except when it results as the sum of vibrations (e.g., from an individual's name). In Chaldean numerology, compound numbers always used. Single digits represent the outer aspects of a person, while double digits reveal inner influences.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Pythagorean method was developed by Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician and metaphysician who lived during the 6th century BCE. He was most widely known for his proposition that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
Pythagoras was as interested in metaphysics and spiritual development as he was in math, so it's no wonder he joined the two disciplines. He studied at the Hermetic (after Hermes, messenger of the gods) Wisdom Schools of the Egyptian holy city of Heliopolis (later named Alexandria) and incorporated many of the same teaching techniques with his own students in Greece. For example, his students had to memorize everything rather than write it down. This approach is still used for geometry students learning theorems.
The right triangle was Pythagoras' "Eureka" (which means "I found it"). The right triangle can also be used to symbolize the world of an individual and serves as the original basis for the numerological interpretation of the life pattern of an individual. Like the Chaldean method, Pythagorean numerology analyzes both name and date of birth, and the interaction between the two. The basic vibrations are 1 through 9, although the 11 (K) and 22 (V) are not reduced to a single digit because these are master vibrations.
Abracadabra is a less frequently used form of numerological interpretation. It is based on the subject's name, and uses a series of triangles to arrive at numerical values that provide information about character and events.
New Kabbalah
A New Kabbalah has also been developed for use with the modern Roman alphabet. It, too, is based on name, and relies on Pythagorean methods to determine time periods. The New Kabbalah is concerned more with events than character.
The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations.These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie.
Brief History:
The originator of modern numerology is thought to be Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician (569-470 B.C.). The Jewish people have been using hebrew numerology from ages.
In the twentieth century, the old science seems to magically reappear in the form of a series of books published from 1911-1917 by L. Dow Balliett and it was helped along in the 30s by Florence Campbell.
In numerology all possible characteristics are contained within the numbers 1 to 9. The numbers 1 to 9 can be seen on the Pythagorean grid. Numbers are energy, which is constantly evolving and changing. Within them are contained the potential for many different experiences, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions. You may exhibit the positive or negative vibrations of your numbers at different times of the day perhaps as your mood or attitude changes. Each of us is affected by the great law of the universe where the vibrations of people, places and objects around us have a tremendous influence on our lives. Many of the secrets of this life lie hidden in the mystical formulae of numerical divination.
Whether you can remember much about it or not, your childhood holds the key to your basic personality and behavioural patterns. "You" are not a number , but you are influenced by the qualities which the numbers portray.
This has given rise to people believing in numbers and changing their names etc in accordance to what their numbers say based on numerology reports, numerology readings, comptibility charts etc.