Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Numerology and its influence on your life

Numerology and its influence on your life

A great spiritual awakening is taking place world-wide as thinking members of the human race begin to search anew for the purpose of life interest in crystals, crop circles and ley lines, together with studies of ancient civilisations and races, all serve to expand our awareness. Yet the greatest mystery we will ever encounter is the mystery of self.

Who am I? Why am I here? Does life indeed have a purpose? If so, how do I discover what this is? The answer to these and similar questions has bug intrigued members of the human race and the answer, in part at least, can be obtained from a close study of the numeric patterns which form our date of birth.

In returning to matter for yet another attempt to master self and the many illusions which this Plane of Matter holds for us, we all carry with us a blue-print which, when correctly understood, will provide each in turn with an insight into self, our personal weaknesses and strengths. This blueprint is to be found within the date of our birth and the names that we bear.

Numbers are simply a means of identifying those energies or forces which play a major role in our lives. All forms of energy have a positive and negative pole. We tend to look upon positive forces or responses) as masculine and negative (or adaptable) reactions as feminine. Human nature being what it is we invariably take the line of least resistance when faced with any form of challenge or difficulty, and follow the negative (or feminine) response.

The numerical energy which presents the greatest challenge (or opportunity) in our daily lives is that found within the Day of Birth. This is known as the Governing Factor for its energy will govern all thought and action throughout the life. Let me briefly identify the lesson under each number.

Anyone born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th can be classed as a One person. These individuals need to learn to take the lead in a positive manner on their journey through life, while avoiding excessive use of the will in order to subdue those subject to their authority. As the major goal under this vibration is independence, they must take care not to become dependent upon others. however, some among their number fail with this lesson by shying away from responsibility, even to the point of becoming a recluse.

Those who are born on the 2nd or the 20th incarnate in a bid to learn how they may subjugate the emotions and adapt to the rapidly changing patterns of daily life. But strong willed and domineering individuals will dog their footsteps, demanding that the Two person do their bidding. As these individuals are subject to the influence of the Moon, they tend to be changeable, moody and extremely emotional. Such experiences are often necessary due to the fact that in an earlier life-time, they tended to dominate others and this lesson has been selected in a bid to make amends for earlier actions. (Grossly unfair you may feel, considering that they lack awareness of the purpose of such events). But there is nothing unjust or accidental in the Greater Plan for Life. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel! The Moon which influences this vibration, serves to stimulate the mediumistic aspect of our dual natures and provided that a Two person endeavours to develop and act upon their intuitive ability, they will then be shown the best method whereby they may resolve any given situation.

The Three vibration presents a golden opportunity for expansion and growth, and those born on the 3rd 12th, 21st and 30th should seize this with both hands. Wherever possible they should endeavour to express themselves in creative undertakings, taking care to perfect one skill at a time. Unfortunately many among their number become a jack-of-all-trades - and master of none! Social events have a strong attraction for the Three person, for they tend to be popular. As a result they often defer important decisions until tomorrow which never comes!

The willpower will be well to the fore in those born on the 4th, 13th and 31st (but not those born on the 22nd!) and the correct use of this powerful force is their major lesson in life. Four people can prove to be forceful characters, who may attempt to dominate others, and learn to their cost that such actions bring unhappiness and loneliness in their wake. On the positive side, they are usually hard workers, particularly if they have a goal in mind They do need to beware the tendency to become workaholics, for this can lead to serious health problems.

For those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd, control of thought and its child - speech is essential. Uncontrolled thought - particularly that of a destructive nature - can easily lead to all manner of sickness. Gregarious individuals, Five people possess the ability to become stimulating teachers or linguists - natural communicators who love to hold the centre stage in life.

Six people - those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th must be alert for the many pitfalls that lie ahead of them on the emotional level, developing the ability to rise above the carnal nature and love others without expectation of re-turn. Most, of course, will experience a measure of difficulty with this, for they will have an over-whelming need to be loved. Equally they need to learn to accept the many responsibilities which will arise within their relationships.

Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th tend to be extremely sensitive individuals who possess a powerful mediumistic ability. They may fear this aspect of their nature and retreat to isolated ar-eas in a hid to avoid the responsibility such qualities bring with them. Seven people should, however, bear in mind the fact that their life's purpose lies in developing and sharing that special talent with those who are lost, confused or simply in need of direction.

Those who are born on the 8th, 17th or the 26th have chosen a particularly difficult pathway through life. From birth to death they will be subject to constant restraint or restriction. Those among their number who do not learn that all such situations reflect a Greater Will and are prepared to accept them as such, may well become extremely bitter and resentful. Unfortunately such responses, in the long term may well lead to the development of painful arthritic problems. Saturn - the great Initiator or Tester rules this vibration, and those who are prepared to accept his disciplines as and when they arise (seeing these for what they are, yet another necessary restriction to personal desires) may, in their acceptance of such challenges, overcome them with ease, while the unwilling battle on. The number 8 serves to identify two pathways through life, and those who are subject to its influence must choose which they prefer. As Saturn also governs monetary energies, an Eight person may well decide to pursue this and its attendant power with great gusto. Yet upon this vibration the "inner way also beckons quite strongly. and where they elect to follow tins rather than the illusionary path of wealth and power, then they may progress toward becoming a disciplined soul once more, illustrating by their actions, the Way of Acceptance.

A choice exists for those born on the 9th, 18th or the 27th. Either a full and satisfying life devoted to selfless service to humanity, or one of selfish self-indulgence. The choice, therefore, is between growth or stagnation. Where the former is selected, the Nine per-son should take care not to over-extend the self in good works (for this vibration is governed by Mars). Above all, this vibration offers the opportunity to complete a task commenced long ago during an earlier incarnation - which is best achieved through assisting those who are in need.

An Eleven person is extremely idealistic and very, very sensitive. They are also the dreamers of this world and spend a deal of time retreating from life and those who attack them for their impracticality. If they can but learn to develop a down-to-earth and practical approach to their goals in life, then the world will embrace them and their ideals wholeheartedly.

Finally, those born on the 22nd have a difficult path to tread for they will he surrounded by those who will demand their constant attention, endeavouring to deflect the Twenty-two person from their preferred pathway. At heart these people are great humanitarians. Nonetheless many among their number achieve little in life due to their tendency to sit on the fence, avoiding all difficult decisions. Many Twenty-twos are often caught up in situations fashioned from the selfish desires of those who surround them. As a result, the vast majority fail to develop their latent potentials and spend their life wishing that things could have been better but nonetheless remaining reluctant to act. They do however possess a natural flair for leadership, and this capacity, when developed and coupled with a very practical approach to idealistic undertakings or suggestions, will soon cause others to gather around them, ready to assist in a joint venture designed to resolve an aspect of human need.

A further study of the science of numbers will provide all open-minded individuals with a wonderful self-help technique, one which clearly identifies just why we tend to behave in an irrational manner at times. Armed with such knowledge, we may then reverse our responses - and attain our life's goal or destiny!

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